OpenAM allows unprecedented capabilities to optimize SSYS preferred and validated materials or third party materials. We offer generic EEPROM chips for many polymer classes of base polymers as listed below:
- PC
- PA12
- PA1 2CF
- PEKK – In process H1, 2023
- More to come based on voice of customer over time
What does “Open” mean? “Open” for Stratasys has a different meaning than other open systems on the market. The architecture of our systems is different and makes Stratasys FDM printers more reliable/repeatable with higher up time.
- Only key parameters that materially impact part quality and performance are open to simplify the tuning process for the customer.
- Material classes are paired with Stratasys support materials.
OpenAM requires unique EEPROM Chips on the material canisters.
Generic Chips – Available now
- Most customer needs will be served with generic chips in the most widely used polymer types.
- Generic chips include pre-set parameter ranges providing both the highest degree of success and printer function safety.
Custom Chips – Available after April 15, 2023
- For unique customer needs, when the generic chip option does not apply.
- OpenAM settings requested and tailor made for specific customer, set within the framework of the OpenAM software.
- Requires prior consultation with a Stratasys Application Engineer.
Tuning material parameters with OpenAM requires time customer needs to be prepared to invest in to achieve success. As with most software, the capabilities of this tool will increase over time based on inputs from our users. For now, please keep in mind that:
- Material parameter tuning is a complex process requiring time of qualified resources – potentially weeks or months to achieve successful results.
- Requires users’ knowledge of applied material properties within the AM/FDM process.
- If you choose to run third party materials, you may expose your system to damage using materials not validated by Stratasys.